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Great News! | We passed the three-system certification in 2022

Date:2022-04-27 17:36:39 Views:382

Recently, the company has made new progress in the ISO "three systems" certification (ISO90001/24001/4500 international management system certification)! We welcomed ISO "three systems" certification experts last week and launched an on-site audit of ISO "three systems" certification.

We attaches great importance to the ISO "three systems" certification, and has fully invested in the construction and improvement of each system through standardized management training and internal management audit.

Today, through the joint efforts of everyone, we have finally passed the certification of international management systems ISO90001/24001/4500 in 2022. Thank to every colleague who has accompanied our growth along the way. Passing the certification also marks that we have taken a new level in standardized, refined and institutionalized management, and also marks that our comprehensive strength has been recognized by more institutions.

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